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  • Writer's pictureChristopher Lubreski

Blog post 1

Updated: Jan 29, 2020

While reading this article on Sporting safe and liminal sphere tactics and facebook talks of what a sphere really is. When you post something on Facebook you’re putting your opinion out there and finding out what others think about you. In a way it’s caring what other people think of what you post. It’s also stating how tactics is used in facebook. While having a plan and understanding the fundamentals of having different strategies. People use tactics in many different ways such as in sport games or playing more mind games such as Chess. Even Though, tactics aren’t really used in Facebook because it’s more for an older generation that use it. When people post online they don’t really think before they post and realize that it’s not really private. Going further into the the type of sphere such as the liminal sphere in small words is going through different changes in your life. Overall, this article which stated about facebook shows that they’re public sphere and anything you post or delete stays on the network and you can’t really get rid of it. That’s why you always got to be careful on what you post because it’s on there forever. Facebook is a great platform but people just need to know what altercations it can have. 

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