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  • Writer's pictureChristopher Lubreski

Blog post 2

Updated: Feb 1, 2020

Going further into the article I now understand that Library can be considered a third place where someone can just relax and take care. The library is just not a place for someone to read and do homework but also interact with people. Many college students stay in the library for a certain amount of time especially when it’s like final weeks. A library is a learning space that can brighten your horison but many people wouldn’t call it another home. A third space is consider a social environment. An example of a third space would be like a gym or a park where there are many people interacting. Even Though, it says in the article that most libraries need to engage with the people that stay there and read or do any work they’re doing. The library can be considered to most people but others it can’t be. Every other person has there own opinion on things. Yet, without the library in colleges or in a community people who don’t have access to technology it would be hard for those who have the same advantages. The library is a place for anyone and it should always be like that. Opportunity for everyone that’s what a Library shows and librarians need to continue that.

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